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Vingt ans d’efforts pour une économie plus verte

Vingt ans d’efforts pour une économie plus verte = From Rio to Rio: A 20-year Journey to Green the World’s Economies / Gustavo Fonseca. Fond pour l’environnement mondial/GEF, mai 2012, 242 p.

This book provides a succinct, readable, and engaging narrative and analysis of the 20 year history of GEF projects. While the Rio +20 conference provided the initial rationale for the book, it is intended to have lasting value for anyone interested in issues about the green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, or about the institutional framework for sustainable development. As the intended readers are interested non-professionals, the book also draws on the tangible experience of GEF projects in the field and offer compelling and pertinent stories that demonstrate the GEF’s accomplishments, evolution, and future challenges. The book consists of an analysis of 20 select projects that illustrate the key lessons emerging from the 20 years of work by the GEF, plus an introductory overview and a conclusion. Each chapter on a selected project stands on its own, but taken together these chapters form a larger narrative and present the broader lessons of the GEF’s experience. (© GEF)



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Danièle Revel (22 juin 2012). Vingt ans d’efforts pour une économie plus verte. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 20 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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