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Oil and coal prices are saying that the world economy is in trouble

Oil and coal prices are saying that the world economy is in trouble / Johannes Mauritzen, International Energy, IAEE blog,27/06/2012

A marked slow down in the world economy has been taking place over the last few months. This slowdown is most likely to intensify with a worryingly high chance of leading to a world crises of similar scope to what took place in 2008. But where the 2008 crises started with a fall in prices of U.S. homes and a resulting banking implosion, this potential crisis has its start in some of the BRIC countries that have managed to power through the 2008 slowdown. The most telling indicators of this slowdown has been the large and sustained drop in oil, coal and natural gas prices…

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Danièle Revel (28 juin 2012). Oil and coal prices are saying that the world economy is in trouble. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse

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