The Durban platform negotiations: goals and options
The Durban platform negotiations: goals and options / Daniel Bodansky, Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, July 2012, 19 p. (Harvard Project on Climate Agreements Viewpoint series)
In December 2011, the parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change adopted the Durban Platform, which launched a new round of negotiations to develop “a protocol, another legal instrument, or an agreed outcome with legal force,” to be effective from 2020. This essay for the Harvard Project on Climate Agreements unpacks the elements of the Durban Platform and analyzes the possible goals of the new round of negotiations. It then examines three possible models of how international law might address climate change: a contractual model, a prescriptive model, and a facilitative model. The essay questions both the contractual and prescriptive models, the contractual model because there does not appear to be a contract zone within which agreement by the major emitters is possible; the prescriptive model on grounds of ineffectiveness. This leaves the facilitative model, which is uncertain to deliver the level of emissions reductions believed necessary to prevent dangerous climate change, but might still be of significant value in slowing the rate of global warming. Until there is agreement among states about which general approach to pursue, the Durban Platform process will continue the pattern of the last decade, in which states are engaged, not in a negotiation of the text of an agreement, but rather a meta-negotiation about what to negotiate. (© Bodansky)
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Danièle Revel (11 juillet 2012). The Durban platform negotiations: goals and options. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse