The social dynamics of carbon capture and storage
The social dynamics of carbon capture and storage: Understanding representation, governance and innovation / N. Markusson, S. Shackley and B. Evar, (Eds.), London and New York : Routledge, 2012, 352 p. – ISBN-10: 1849713154 (The Earthscan Science in Society Series)
Description (© Routledge) :
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has emerged rapidly as a crucial technological option for decarbonising electricity supply and mitigating climate change. Great hopes are being pinned on this new technology but it is also facing growing scepticism and criticism. This book is the first to bring together the full range of social and policy issues surrounding CCS shedding new light on this potentially vital technology and its future. The book covers many crucial topics including the roles and positions that different publics, NGOs, industry, political parties and media are taking up; the way CCS is organised, supported and regulated; how CCS is being debated and judged; how innovation, demonstration and learning are occurring and being conceptualised and promoted; and the role of CCS in the transition to a low carbon energy future. The authors draw on a variety of approaches, concepts, methods and themes and provide a new understanding of innovation in the energy and climate change fields. It tackles the many issues in a way that speaks to those concerned not only to understand these developments, but to those who are involved in the scientific and technological work itself, as well as those charged with evaluating and making decisions relevant to the future of the technology.
Contents :
1 Introduction, Nils Markusson, Simon Shackley and Benjamin Evar
2 An introduction to key developments and concepts in CCS: history, technology, economics and law, Benjamin Evar, Chiara Armeni and Vivian Scott
PART I – Perceptions and representations
3 Introduction to Part I – Perceptions and representations, Nils Markusson and Simon Shackley
4 Public understanding of and engagement with CCS, Judith A. Bradbury
5 Colonizing the future: the case of CCS, Anders Hansson
6 Beyond ‘for or against’: environmental NGO-evaluations of CCS as a climate change solution, Olaf Corry and Hauke Riesch
PART II – Governance
7 Introduction to Part II – Governance, Simon Shackley
8 The evolving international CCS community, Jennie C. Stephens and Yue Liu
9 Up and down with CCS: the issue-attention cycle and the political dynamics of decarbonisation, Simon Shackley and Benjamin Evar
10 Technology management in the face of scientific uncertainty: a case study of the CCS Test Centre Mongstad, Benjamin Evar and Simon Shackley
PART III – Innovation
11 Introduction to Part III – Innovation, Nils Markusson
12 CCS: a disruptive technology for innovation theory, Mark Winskel
13 Learning in CCS demonstration projects: social and political dimensions, Nils Markusson, Atsushi Ishii and Jennie C. Stephens
14 Conclusions, Nils Markusson, Simon Shackley and Benjamin Evar
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Danièle Revel (17 juillet 2012). The social dynamics of carbon capture and storage. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 3 décembre 2024 à l’adresse