World and European energy and environment transition outlook
World and European energy and environment transition outlook (WETO-T) / Bertrand Château and Domenico Rossetti di Valdalbero (Eds.). European Commission, Jan. 2012, 160 p.
The authors of this report are:
- Bertrand Château, Brieuc Bougnoux, Elie Bellevrat, Alban Kitous from Enerdata
- Wolfgang Eichhammer, Jonathan Koelher, Jakob Martin from Fraunhofer Institute (FhG-ISI)
- Carlo Sessa from ISIS
- Thomas Hamacher and Stephan Braun, from Max Planck – IPP
- Philippe Menanteau and Paolo Avner from LEPII-EDDEN
- Gabriele Quinti and Giovanni Caiati from the Laboratorio di Scienze della della Cittadinanza (LSC)
- Silvio Scanagatta from the University of Padova
- Frédéric Ghersi from SMASH
The World and European Energy and Environment Transition Outlook (WETO-T) offers a new perspective on the technological, economic and social options which could lead towards a post carbon society by the end of the century.
WETO-T tackles demographic, human capital, and lifestyles issues up to 2100 and the consequent needs for energy services worldwide. For Europe, the WETO-T report firstly addresses three technology paradigms for long-term sustainability. Secondly, it analyses the energy-environment transition in combination with land-use issues. Thirdly, it helps to understand the “social fabric” of this energy-environment transition.
WETO-T also investigates the potential innovations in the transport and building sectors in conjunction with changes in human behaviour. Finally, it looks at the policy path to the achievement of the climate change targets. (© EC)
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Danièle Revel (31 août 2012). World and European energy and environment transition outlook. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 17 janvier 2025 à l’adresse