Support to the identification of potential risks for the environment and human health arising from hydrocarbons operations involving hydraulic fracturing in Europe
Support to the identification of potential risks for the environment and human health arising from hydrocarbons operations involving hydraulic fracturing in Europe / Mark Broomfield. European Commission. DG Environment, Aug. 2012, 292 p.
The report studies the potential risks for the environment and human health arising from hydrocarbons operations involving hydraulic fracturing in Europe. It discusses complex environmental risk and regulatory policy issues in detail. It makes recommendations for future policy development and research and will be a useful reference point for published information on the subject.
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Danièle Revel (12 septembre 2012). Support to the identification of potential risks for the environment and human health arising from hydrocarbons operations involving hydraulic fracturing in Europe. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 19 janvier 2025 à l’adresse