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The Cancun Agreements : Do they advance global cooperation on climate change ?

The Cancun Agreements : Do they advance global cooperation on climate change ? / Antonio G.M. La Vina, Lawrence Ang & Joanne Dulce. Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development, 2011, 21 p.

It is a question of whether to see the glass as half-empty or half-full.
Many view Cancun as a success – it buried the failure of Copenhagen and provided real opportunities to advance global cooperation in adaptation, forests, climate finance, technology transfer and capacity-building.
On the other hand, the Cancun Agreements also leave much to be desired. Particularly in terms of mitigation where a “pledge and review” system, first articulated in the Accord, has now become an accepted modality for developed country mitigation. Furthermore it’s carrying over some mitigation responsibilities onto developing countries as well.
The first true test of whether or not Cancun has truly renewed the world’s commitment to address climate change will come soon enough as negotiations once again resume in April to discuss the implementation of the Agreements and further deliberate over the remaining points of contention. (© FIELD)

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Danièle Revel (1 mars 2011). The Cancun Agreements : Do they advance global cooperation on climate change ? Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse

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