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Economics of energy and climate change: Origins, developments and growth

Economics of energy and climate change: Origins, developments and growth /  Roger Fouquet. Basque Center for Climate Change, September 2012, 27 p. (BC3 working paper series ; 2012-08)

This paper briefly highlights some of the most influential ideas in the literature on the economics of energy and (energy-related) climate change. This paper will use bibliometric evidence to examine the trends in related research over the last forty years, and analyse the explosion in energy and climate change research in the last ten years. It will also, more controversially, consider the validity of the hypothesised rise in original ideas in the literature (during the 1990s) and then decline (or relative decline) since the explosion in research output (since 2005). This paper proposes that if economists are going to make an equally important and constructive contribution as they did up to 2012, then their ideas will need to move forward and evolve, offering exciting and stimulating new solutions for the post-Kyoto era.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (25 septembre 2012). Economics of energy and climate change: Origins, developments and growth. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse

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