What next for the oil and gas industry?
What next for the oil and gas industry? Programme Report / John Mitchell with Valérie Marcel and Beth Mitchell. Chatham House, October 2012, 128 p. ISBN 978 1 86203 271 2
The oil and gas industry is under pressures that will transform it. The effect of other industries on oil demand, the increasing opportunities for non-conventional oil and gas that offset perceptions of limits to conventional resources, and the shift of growth to Asia will all compel the industry to look for growth in value rather than volume, to distinguish between the expanding markets of developing countries and the declining markets of the private sector in developed countries, and to target technologies to a diversity of resource opportunities outside the state sector and to specialized partnerships within it… more
–> à ce propos :
Pétrole : les risques sur le marché viendront demain de l’Asie, les Echos, 9/10/2012
Selon une étude de Chatham House, la croissance de la demande asiatique de pétrole va déplacer vers l’Extrême-Orient les risques de tension du marché. Ce qui pose aussi la question du rôle des Etats-Unis pour sécuriser les approvisionnements…
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Danièle Revel (9 octobre 2012). What next for the oil and gas industry? Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 17 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/o9vn