Iraq Energy Outlook
Iraq Energy Outlook. World Energy Outlook special report. Paris : IEA/OECD, 2012, 142 p.
This special report provides a comprehensive and detailed assessment of the energy outlook for Iraq to 2035, with a twin focus on the contribution of the energy sector to the country’s social and economic development and the pivotal role that Iraq can play in the global energy system.
–> A ce propos :
- L’Irak, nouveau pilier de la scène pétrolière, les Echos, 10/10/2012
L’AIE estime que l’Irak pourrait doubler sa production pétrolière d’ici à 2020. Le pays pourrait devenir un pilier de la scène pétrolière mondiale, à condition de consentir rapidement et de manière coordonnée les investissements nécessaires, évalués à 25 milliards de dollars par an…
- Iraq Poised to Lead World Oil Supply Growth, but Obstacles Loom, National Geographic, 9/10/2012
Nine months after the last pullout of U.S. troops, Iraq’s oil production is growing so rapidly that world markets now are looking to Baghdad to play a major role in keeping global oil flowing and moderating prices in the years ahead. But the International Energy Agency (IEA), while forecasting Tuesday that Iraq could add more than any other nation to global oil supply in the coming years, warned that the country faces major challenges due to uncertainty in governance, deteriorated infrastructure, and insufficient water supply. The Paris-based agency, focused on maintaining world energy security, said the global economy would suffer if Iraq cannot overcome the obstacles in its path…
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Danièle Revel (10 octobre 2012). Iraq Energy Outlook. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 20 janvier 2025 à l’adresse