Turmoil at Gazprom: Is its demise imminent? Parts I and II
• Turmoil at Gazprom: Is Its Demise Imminent? Part II, Peterson Institute for International Economics, 10/10/2012 (Peterson Perspectives
October 10, 2012 Anders Åslund says the collapse of profit potential at Gazprom appears to be shaking the administration of President Putin, forcing him to deal with charges of corruption.
• Turmoil at Gazprom: Is Its Demise Imminent? Part I, Peterson Institute for International Economics, 9/10/2012 (Peterson Perspectives
Anders Åslund explains how the surge in shale gas exploration has undercut the Russian energy giant Gazprom, reducing its profits and capacity for corruption. Next: The implications for President Putin.
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Danièle Revel (11 octobre 2012). Turmoil at Gazprom: Is its demise imminent? Parts I and II. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 19 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/o9vt