Too late for two degrees?
Too late for two degrees? Low carbon economy index 2012. PWC, 2012, 16 p.
Presentation (copyright © PWC) :
The annual PwC Low Carbon Economy Index centres on one core statistic: the rate of change of global carbon intensity. This year we estimated that the required improvement in global carbon intensity to meet a 2oC warming target has risen to 5.1 % a year, from now to 2050.
We have passed a critical threshold – not once since World War Two has the world achieved that rate of decarbonisation in a single year, but the task now confronting us is to achieve it for 39 consecutive years.
The 2011 rate of improvement in carbon intensity was 0.8 %. Even doubling our rate of decarbonisation, would still lead to emissions consistent with six degrees of warming. To give ourselves a more than 50 % chance of avoiding two degrees will require a six-fold improvement in our rate of decarbonisation.
–> A ce propos :
Le rapport de PwC préconise des réductions de CO2 sans précèdent d’ici 2050, EurActiv, 5/11/2012
Le monde devra réduire à un rythme sans précédent le taux d’émissions de carbone d’ici 2050 afin d’empêcher les températures de la planète d’augmenter de plus de 2°C au cours de ce siècle, révèle un rapport publié lundi (5 novembre) par PwC…
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Danièle Revel (5 novembre 2012). Too late for two degrees? Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 16 septembre 2024 à l’adresse