Post-election, climate policy makes a reappearance
Post-election, climate policy makes a reappearance / Pete Nelson, CommonResources, RFF, 15/11/2012
After being scrupulously ignored by both campaigns, the climate issue managed to crash the party in the waning days of the election in the form of Hurricane Sandy, swaying the choice of at least one undecided voter in the process.
The momentum has continued and climate policy made it into both President Obama’s election night speech and his first post-election press conference. The president’s remarks are being parsed in various quarters for what they signal about his commitment to addressing the issue in his second term (for examples see here, here, and here)…
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Danièle Revel (16 novembre 2012). Post-election, climate policy makes a reappearance. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse