Climate, development and equity
What next III: Climate, development and equity / ed. by Niclas Hällström. What Next Forum & Dag Hammerskjöld Foundation, 2012, 179 p.
This What Next Volume presents voices from across the North and South, addressing the combined challenges of climate, development and equity. It highlights the urgency of taking action, but also shows why any attempt to tackle climate change must be grounded in equity. How will humanity fairly divide the rapidly diminishing global carbon budget, while allowing billions of people in the global South (and North) the means for economic, social and environmental well-being? How can United Nations negotiations move forward, and what are the real and false solutions?
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Danièle Revel (21 novembre 2012). Climate, development and equity. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse