Potential and limitations of bioenergy options for low carbon transitions
Potential and limitations of bioenergy options for low carbon transitions / Ruben Bibas & Aurélie Méjean. Paris : CIRED, November 2012, 35 p. (DT/WP No 2012-42)
Abstract (© Ruben Bibas & Aurélie Méjean) :
Sustaining low CO2 emission pathways to 2100 may rely on electricity production from biomass. We analyze the effect of the availability of biomass resources and technologies with and without carbon capture and storage within a general equilibrium framework. Biomass technologies are introduced into the electricity module of the hybrid general equilibrium model Imaclim-R.We assess the robustness of this technology, with and without carbon capture and storage, as a way of reaching the RCP 3.7 stabilization target. The impact of a uniform CO2 tax on energy prices, investments and the structure of the electricity mix is examined. World GDP growth is affected by the absence of the CCS or biomass options, and biomass is shown to be a possible technological answer to the absence of CCS. As the use of biomass on a large scale might prove unsustainable, we illustrate early action as a strategy to reduce the need for biomass and enhance economic growth in the long term.
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Danièle Revel (22 novembre 2012). Potential and limitations of bioenergy options for low carbon transitions. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/o9z0