Smart grid and its application in sustainable cities
Smart grid and its application in sustainable cities / Yuri Lee, Juan Roberto Paredes & Soo Hyun Lee. Inter-American Development Bank, Aug. 2012, 73 p. (Technical note ; IDB-TN-446)
The Energy Division of the Infrastructure and Environment Sector (INE/ENE) of the Inter-American Development Bank has launched a technical cooperation project called “Smart Grid and Its Application in Sustainable Cities” to aid countries in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region. This technical note describes smart grid system elements, indicates their costs and benefits, discusses the smart grid initiative in Korea, and includes the case study of the Korean Jeju Island test bed. The publication assesses the possibilities to transfer and implement these strategies in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) cities and discusses ongoing experiences in the region. (© IDB)
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Danièle Revel (22 novembre 2012). Smart grid and its application in sustainable cities. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse