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Articles on climate action beyond the UNFCCC

Articles on climate action beyond the UNFCCC, Review of European Community & International Environmental Law (RECIEL), Special issue,  Vol. 21, n° 3, November 2012, pp. 163-309

Contents (free access) :

All Hands on Deck! Mobilizing Climate Change Action beyond the UNFCCC (pages 163–176) / Remi Moncel and Harro van Asselt

Climate Clubs: Can Small Groups of Countries make a Big Difference in Addressing Climate Change? (pages 177–192) / Lutz Weischer, Jennifer Morgan and Milap Patel

Addressing Sectoral Emissions outside the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: What Roles for Multilateralism, Minilateralism and Unilateralism? (pages 193–203) / Kati Kulovesi

Restoring the Climate by Realizing Rights: The Role of the International Human Rights System (pages 204–219) / Edward Cameron and Marc Limon

The Securitization of Climate Change in World Politics: How Close have We Come and would Full Securitization Enhance the Efficacy of Global Climate Change Policy? (pages 220–230) / Shirley V. Scott

Strengthening Ambition for Climate Mitigation: The Role of the Montreal Protocol in Reducing Short-lived Climate Pollutants (pages 231–242) / Durwood Zaelke, Stephen O. Andersen and Nathan Borgford-Parnell

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (26 novembre 2012). Articles on climate action beyond the UNFCCC. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 12 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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