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Key adaptation finance, climate economics and governance issues on the UNFCCC agenda

In preparation for COP18 in Doha next week, Stockholm Environment Institute has published several policy briefs on key adaptation finance, climate economics and governance issues on the UNFCCC agenda.

This policy brief, based on two forthcoming papers by SEI, evaluates the allocation of Adaptation Fund resources to date in terms of equity and efficiency. It draws on in-depth analysis of the 48 submitted proposals and 25 projects approved by the Adaptation Fund as of June 2012.

This brief, based on a study for the UK Government’s AVOID programme, shows why it is not realistic to expect adaptation to make up for forgone mitigation, and explains why climate-economics models don’t properly account for adaptation.

This policy brief identifies key challenges and priorities in building a measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) framework for climate finance under the UNFCCC. It notes that no existing system, as currently set up, adequately meets MRV needs; highlights major issues to be addressed; and presents options for the Parties going forward, including ways to improve current systems while more contentious political questions are resolved

This policy brief draws on a series of expert analyses prepared for a special issue of the Review of European Community and International Environmental Law that highlight options for mobilizing climate action beyond the UNFCCC.

This discussion brief, based on new SEI research in the MENA region, explains how a science-based “nexus” approach to adaptation and mitigation – specifically, to water and energy planning – could lead to smarter, more resilient development solutions.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (26 novembre 2012). Key adaptation finance, climate economics and governance issues on the UNFCCC agenda. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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