Climate policy, international trade, and emissions leakage
Climate policy, international trade, and emissions leakage / Juha Siikamäki, Clayton Munnings, Jeffrey Ferris, and Daniel Morris. Resources for the future, November 2012, 21 p.
(…) The purpose of this backgrounder is to highlight existing research on leakage and, by doing so, help evaluate the data and methods required for such assessments. We begin by briefly summarizing common research methodologies and concepts in leakage assessments. Thereafter, we quickly explain different climate policies assessed in leakage research. Following that, we summarize the key findings of the studies examined. The backgrounder concludes with a discussion of the potential limitations of leakage studies…
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Danièle Revel (29 novembre 2012). Climate policy, international trade, and emissions leakage. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse