Progressive energy tariffs in France: an inefficient and unfair response to fuel poverty and energy efficiency goals
Progressive energy tariffs in France: an inefficient and unfair response to fuel poverty and energy efficiency goals / François Lévêque, EU energy policy blog, 19/12/2012
The French Lower House passed a law last October introducing progressive tariffs for all energies distributed through a network: natural gas, electricity and heat. Though it was rejected by the Senate, the government is still supporting it. Introducing progressive tariffs for energy was one of the 60 promises of French President Hollande during his campaign. The law aims at reducing residential energy consumption and fighting fuel poverty. But the system proposed by the Lower House is extremely unlikely to reach these two goals…
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Danièle Revel (20 décembre 2012). Progressive energy tariffs in France: an inefficient and unfair response to fuel poverty and energy efficiency goals. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse