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The state of compliance in the Kyoto Protocol

The state of compliance in the Kyoto Protocol / Corina Haita. International Center for Climate Governance, December 2012, 7 p.

The first Kyoto commitment period ends this year. The EU-15 is on track to meet its common target, thanks to Finland, Greece, Portugal, Ireland¸ France, Belgium, Sweden, the UK and Germany, who accomplished or surpassed their respective targets. Sweden was the best performing country within the EU-15 during 2008-2011. China, currently a crucial player for international climate change agreements, has kept her leading position in global emissions with a share of 29%, ahead of the USA and the EU. This country initiated seven regional ETS pilots in 2012 with trading starting in 2013 and a national ETS in 2015. India, the fifth largest emitter of GHG in the world in 2008 and the fourth largest emitter of CO2 as recently as in 2011, is said to adopt an innovative market-based scheme for promoting energy efficiency, covering eight sectors responsible for 54% of its energy consumption (© ICCG)

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Danièle Revel (20 décembre 2012). The state of compliance in the Kyoto Protocol. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 11 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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