The European Union as a global player in environmental governance
The European Union as a global player in environmental governance, Journal of Contemporary European Research, special issue, vol. 8, n° 2, 2012
Contents :
- The EU as a global leader? The Copenhagen and Cancún UN climate change negotiations / Lisanne Groen, Arne Niemann, Sebastian Oberthür, pp. 173-191 PDF
- European Union and international negotiations on climate change. A limited role to play / Rosa María Fernández, pp. 192-209 PDF
- The rotating Presidency and the EU’s external representation in environmental affairs: the case of climate change and biodiversity negotiations / Tom Delreux, pp. 210-227 PDF
- Insufficient climate policy integration in EU energy policy: the importance of the long-term perspective / Claire Dupont, Sebastian Oberthür, pp. 228-247 PDF
- The EU and Marine Environmental Policy: A Leader in Protecting the Marine Environment? / Angela Carpenter, pp. 248-267 PDF
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Danièle Revel (21 décembre 2012). The European Union as a global player in environmental governance. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 8 septembre 2024 à l’adresse