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3rd GLOBE Climate Legislation Study

The GLOBE Climate Legislation Study 3rd edition. A Review of Climate Change Legislation in 33 Countries / Terry Townshend, Sam Fankhauser, Rafael Aybar, Murray Collins, Tucker Landesman, Michal Nachmany and Carolina Pavese. Globe International, in partnership with the Grantham Research Institute at the London School of Economics, 14 January 2013, 488 p.

Full report :

Results in the 3rd edition of the study show (© Globe International) :

  • 32 of 33 major economies have progressed or are progressing significant climate and/or energy-related legislation.
  • Much of the substantive progress on legislative activity on climate change in 2012 took place in emerging economies, including China, which will provide the motor of global economic growth in coming decades.
  • This progress will deliver real benefits to national economies and, ultimately, give world leaders the political space to go further and faster in the UN negotiations, helping provide a foundation for a comprehensive, global deal by 2015… read more

–> About the study :

Climate laws advancing in many countries, survey says,, 14/01/2013

Smoke billows from the cooling towers of a coal-fired power plant in Gelsenkirchen, western Germany, on January 16, 2012. Major economies are now implementing important legislation on climate change, according to a survey published by GLOBE International…

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Danièle Revel (15 janvier 2013). 3rd GLOBE Climate Legislation Study. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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