Emerging carbon markets: experiences, trends, and challenges
Emerging carbon markets: experiences, trends, and challenges / Andreas Tuerk, Michael Mehling, Sonja Klinsky & Xin Wang. London : Climate Strategies, January 2013, 36 p.
This report provides an overview of existing and emerging GHG trading schemes, including those in Europe (EU ETS), North America (the WCI and RGGI), Australia, New Zealand, Japan (regional), China (regional) and South Korea. It discusses lessons learned across the systems and gives an outlook on the development of the future carbon market. The report illustrates that considerable diversity exists across cap-and-trade systems. Although unintentional, a potential benefit of this diversity is that it provides opportunities to compare different approaches and to facilitate transboundary learning. Individually, and in comparison, schemes may offer lessons that can be applied in the development or improvement of others. This report focuses on three large categories of lessons related to: the role of the political and economic process and context for establishing emissions trading systems; system design; and system implementation and oversight. (© Climate Strategies)
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Danièle Revel (12 février 2013). Emerging carbon markets: experiences, trends, and challenges. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 11 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/oa4t