The climate change rebound
The climate change rebound / Barry Rabe and Christopher P. Borick, Brookings, 4/03/2013
Barack Obama has rediscovered climate change. During the last month President Obama has used both his Second Inaugural Address and State of the Union speech to implore the nation to increase its efforts to combat global warming. The President has never expressed doubt about the existence of human induced climate change but he said very little about the issue after the 2010 Senate collapse of proposed climate legislation. Instead, he has turned to use of executive powers to reduce emissions, whether through vehicle fuel economy standards or application of the Clean Air Act to some greenhouse gas emissions. But climate change has become far more visible in the second round of the Obama presidency…
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Danièle Revel (5 mars 2013). The climate change rebound. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 21 janvier 2025 à l’adresse