Building new nuclear: the challenges ahead
Building new nuclear: the challenges ahead. UK House of Commons. Energy and Climate Change Committee, 4 March 2013, 184 p.
Failure to build a new fleet of nuclear power stations in the UK could make it much more expensive to meet our climate change targets and Ministers must stop ‘crossing their fingers’ and urgently develop a back-up energy strategy, a report by the Energy and Climate Change Committee argues… Industry has outlined plans that would deliver 16GW new nuclear power stations by 2025, but new build projects in France and Finland have experienced serious delays and cost overruns. Although the Government and industry have learnt some important lessons from this process, there are still a number of obstacles which could delay new build projects in the UK… read more
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Danièle Revel (12 mars 2013). Building new nuclear: the challenges ahead. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse