Can Wind, Water and Sunlight Power New York by 2050?
Can Wind, Water and Sunlight Power New York by 2050? / Andrew C. Revkin, Dot Earth, New York Times, 12/03/2013
A group of scientists and energy analysts has laid out a path under which New York State could, in theory, eliminate its use of fossil fuels and nuclear power — including for transportation — by 2050. The plan, “Examining the Feasibility of Converting New York State’s All-Purpose Energy Infrastructure to One Using Wind, Water and Sunlight,” is slated for publication in the journal Energy Policy…
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Danièle Revel (13 mars 2013). Can Wind, Water and Sunlight Power New York by 2050? Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse