From vision to action. A workshop report on 100% Renewable Energies in European Regions
From vision to action. A workshop report on 100% Renewable Energies in European Regions / An na Leidreiter, Diane Moss, Markus Groth. World Future Council, March 2013, 40 p.
The new report of the World Future Council provides an in-depth policy analysis of renewable energy frontrunner countries Germany, Denmark and Austria and identifies successful policy elements and instruments. It builds on a parliamentary hearing that the World Future Council hosted together with Climate Service Center in the Nordic Folkecenter last October and outlines solutions as well as implementation strategies for a fossil free society. The overall goal of this publication is to educate and inspire a broader range of stakeholders who must engage, if we are to advance the goal of 100% RE in European Regions.
Contents :
1. Introduction
2. 100% RE in European Regions is reality already today
2.1 RE development in Germany
2.2 RE development in Denmark
2.3 RE development in Austria
3. 100% Renewable Energies: Thinking together mitigation and adaptation strategies
4. Rate Limiting Factors for the transition to a 100% RE Society
4.1 Technology availability and market maturity
4.2 RE resources
4.3 Local Driving Forces
5. The Roadmap towards 100% RE: Key steps for implementation
5.1 Enabling infrastructure solutions and ownership schemes for 100% renewable energies
5.1.1 Power Sector
5.1.2 Heating and Cooling Sector
5.1.3 Transportation Sector
5.1.4 Infrastructure and Ownership Scheme Recommendations
5.2 Best political frameworks and policies for achieving 100% renewable energies
5.2.1 Power Sector
5.2.2 Heating and Cooling Sector
5.2.3 Transportation Sector
5.2.4 Policy Recommendations
5.3 Enabling governance models to achieve 100% renewable energies
6. Conclusion
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Danièle Revel (29 mars 2013). From vision to action. A workshop report on 100% Renewable Energies in European Regions. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse