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Exploring the potential for energy conservation in French households through hybrid modelling

Exploring the potential for energy conservation in French households through hybrid modelling / Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet, Céline Guivarch, Philippe Quirion. Cired, January 2011, DT/WP n° 2011-26

Although the building sector is recognized as having major potential for energy conservation and carbon dioxide emissions mitigation, conventional bottom-up and top-down models are limited in their ability to capture the complex economic and technological dynamics of the sector. This paper introduces a hybrid framework developed to assess future household energy demand in France. Res-IRF, a bottom-up module of energy consumption for space heating, has several distinctive features : (i) a clear separation between energy efficiency, i.e. investment in energy efficient technologies, and sufficiency, i.e. changes in the utilization of energy consuming durables which allows the rebound effect to be assessed ; (ii) the inclusion of barriers to energy efficiency in the form of intangible costs, consumer heterogeneity parameters and the learning-by-doing process ; (iii) an endogenous determination of retrofitting which represents trade-offs between retrofit quantity and quality. Subsequently, Res-IRF is linked to the IMACLIM-R computable general equilibrium model. This exercise shows that, compared to a 37% reduction in final energy demand achievable in business as usual in existing dwellings, an additional reduction of 14% could be achieved if relevant barriers to efficiency and sufficiency were overcome. (© CIRED)

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Danièle Revel (10 janvier 2011). Exploring the potential for energy conservation in French households through hybrid modelling. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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