The policy climate
The policy climate / David Nelson, Thomas Vladeck, et al. Climate Policy Initiative, 2013, 119 p.
Presentation (© CPI) :
In this report, we offer an overview of policy issues relevant to climate change across the world that we hope will allow policymakers, analysts, advocates, and interested people of all stripes begin to see how the policy challenges of climate change fit together at the national and transnational level.
Climate change is a multi-faceted problem. It is the result of almost everything humans do, how we work, how we travel, how we feed ourselves, everywhere in the world. Similarly, policy of all kinds—including energy policy, land use and agriculture, industry, transport, urbanization and construction, and even economic development and fiscal policy—can have important consequences for climate change.
In this report, we focus on:
1. Brazil, China, India, Europe, and the United States—the regions we focus on in our work, which represent the majority of global greenhouse gas emissions;
2. The economic sectors that represent the greatest potential for greenhouse gas mitigation within each of these regions;
3. A defined set of policy issues within these regions and key sectors that most a!ect climate change. In this first review, we have not yet explored the issues of climate change adaptation, although we expect more work in this area in future years.
For each of the sectors covered in these regions, we provide stylized facts and data about emissions trends, as well as a summary of drivers for those emissions
over the last 20 to 30 years. Since institutional and political issues are such an important factor in the climate story, we also include a summary of the most important political considerations and policy directions for each of the geographies covered, as well as highlight important policy issues that cut across geographic
boundaries. In so doing, The Policy Climate also highlights important issues that form the basis of CPI’s work.
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Danièle Revel (26 avril 2013). The policy climate. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 17 janvier 2025 à l’adresse