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Climate change negotiations. A guide to resolving disputes and facilitating multilateral cooperation

Climate change negotiations. A guide to resolving disputes and facilitating multilateral cooperation / Ed. by Gunnar Sjöstedt & Ariel Macaspac Penetrante. Routledge, March 2103, 480 p.

Description (© Routledge) :

As the Kyoto Protocol limps along without the participation of the US and Australia, on-going climate negotiations are plagued by competing national and business interests that are creating stumbling blocks to success. Climate Change Negotiations: A Guide to Resolving Disputes and Facilitating Multilateral Cooperation asks how these persistent obstacles can be down-scaled, approaching them from five professional perspectives: a top policy-maker, a senior negotiator, a leading scientist, an international lawyer, and a sociologist who is observing the process.

The authors identify the major problems, including great power strategies (the EU, the US and Russia), leadership, the role of NGOs, capacity and knowledge-building, airline industry emissions, insurance and risk transfer instruments, problems of cost benefit analysis, the IPCC in the post-Kyoto situation, and verification and institutional design. A new key concept is introduced: strategic facilitation. ‘Strategic facilitation’ has a long time frame, a forward-looking orientation and aims to support the overall negotiation process rather than individual actors.

Contents :

Part 1: Introduction Gunnar Sjöstedt and Ariel Macaspac Penetrante Part 2: Professional Perspectives 1. The perspective of a Politician – How Decisions are Made Josef Proell, Helmut Hojesky and Werner Wutscher 2. The New Diplomacy from the Perspective of a Diplomat – Facilitation of the Post-Kyoto Climate Talks Bo Kjellén 3. Costs and Uncertanties in Climate Change Negotiations: A Scientist’s Perspective Bert Bolin 4. The Observing International Lawyer Franz Cede and Gerhard Loibl 5. Climate Talks – The Observing Sociologist Guy Olivier Faure Part 3: Stumbling blocks 6. Defining a Politically Feasible Path for Future Climate Negotiations – the EU-USA divide over the Kyoto Protocol Urs Steiner Brandt 7. Between Two Giants – Lessons from the Russian Policy on Kyoto Protocol Vasily Sokolov 8. Leadership and Climate Talks—Historical Lessons in Agenda Setting Steiner Andresen 9. GO Participation in the Global Climate Change Decision-making Process – A Key for Facilitating Climate Talks Norichika Kanie 10. Institutional Capacity to Facilitate Climate Change Negotiations Angela Churie Kallhauge & Lisa van Well 11. Stumbling Blocks in a Sectoral Approach – Addressing the Global Warming Effect through the Airline Industry Lucas Bobes 12. Overcoming stumbling blocks: Can the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) deliver in Adaptation? Tora Skodvin 13. Common but Differentiated Responsibilities — The North-South Divide in the Climate Change Negotiations Ariel Macaspac Penetrante 14. Developing a Legal Toolkit– Institutional Options to Remove Stumbling Blocks in the Climate Change Negotiations Dirk Hanschel 15. Verification as a Precondition for Binding Commitments – Facilitation through Trust Larry MacFaul 16. Difficulties of Benefit-Cost Analysis in Climate Negotiations: Stumbling Blocks for Reaching an Agreement Charles Pearson 17. Proposal for Insurance for Facilitation of Adaptation Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer, M.J. Mace & Reinhard Mechler Part 4: Conclusion: Strategic Facilitation of Climate Talks Gunnar Sjöstedt and Ariel Macaspac Penetrante

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (15 mai 2013). Climate change negotiations. A guide to resolving disputes and facilitating multilateral cooperation. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse

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