Estimating the costs of nuclear power
Estimating the costs of nuclear power / François Lévêque, Ecole des mines de Paris, EU energy policy blog, 28/05/2013
The debate on the costs of nuclear power generation is fairly confusing. Some present electricity production using nuclear power as an affordable solution, others maintain it is too expensive. These widely divergent views prompt fears among consumers and voters that they are being manipulated: each side is just defending its own interests and the true cost of nuclear power is being concealed. Companies and non-government organizations certainly adopt whatever position suits them best. But at the same time, the notion of just one ‘true’ cost is misleading…
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Danièle Revel (29 mai 2013). Estimating the costs of nuclear power. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse