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Smart and just grids: opportunities for sub‐Saharan Africa

Smart and just grids: opportunities for sub‐Saharan Africa / Morgan Baziliana, Manuel Welscha, Deepak Divanb, et al. London : Imperial College. Energy Futures lab., 2013, 32 p.

Whilst there is a clear focus today on improving the energy security and sustainability of established economies in Europe, Japan and North America, for example, as well as rapidly growing economies such as China, we must not forget that energy security means something very different to the many millions of people who have no access to electricity of any kind.

This paper  tackles this very important issue, setting out the current challenges and highlighting the role that the rapidly evolving technological and commercial concept of smart grids could play in ensuring a reliable and secure electricity supply for the region.

The paper is essential reading for anyone interested in the provision of energy in a sustainable, secure and affordable way in developing economies, and in the role that smart grids can play in transforming energy supply infrastructures and associated business models…

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (12 juin 2013). Smart and just grids: opportunities for sub‐Saharan Africa. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse

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