The California Solar Initiative is ending. What has it left behind? /
The California Solar Initiative is ending. What has it left behind? / Severin Borenstein, Energy Economics Exchange, Energy Institute at Haas, 17/06/2013
Nearly all the money has been spent, and the California Solar Initiative is winding down. The direct CSI subsidy for installing PV panels on your house, which started at $2.50 per watt (of installed peak capacity) is now just $0.20 per watt. As of last week, the program has spent about $1.68 billion on rebates for 111,271 completed solar PV installations of about 1.2 GW in rated solar PV capacity. That works out to an average rebate of $1.40 per watt of capacity…
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Danièle Revel (18 juin 2013). The California Solar Initiative is ending. What has it left behind? /. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 8 septembre 2024 à l’adresse