How energy transition may reorganize European territories ?
How energy transition may reorganize European territories ? / Antoine Monnet, Mines ParisTech, EU Energy policy blog, 20/06/2013
Europe is often criticized for its lack of global energy policy. The three objectives towards 2020 let Europe fancy it had started to build its own policy but the energy and climate package was no more than a list of nationally implemented objectives. Giving no more than objectives, the text is another proof that energy policies are still largely considered as national issues in Europe. Such a supremacy left to the countries seems paradoxical given that the European Union forced the liberalization of electricity markets to end with national supremacy in energy policies. However, liberalizing the electric production and distribution was somehow the second step to build a European energy policy. The first step was connecting the national networks after World War II. In a way, liberalization of electricity production gave birth to new actors and therefore started to reorganize European territories. This is how EDF started to produce electricity out of France, but big companies are not the only new European actors…
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Danièle Revel (21 juin 2013). How energy transition may reorganize European territories ? Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse