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Global and Russian energy outlook up to 2040

Global and Russian energy outlook up to 2040. Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ERIRAS) & Analytical Centre of the Government of the Russian Federation (ACRF), 2013, 110 p.

Previous Outlook-2012 showed a strong need of the country for its own vision of world energy development. During 2012, data from the Outlook were actively used in the reports of the Federal government representatives, management of major Russian companies and discussed at scientific and expert events in Russia and abroad. Improvement of the tools used and expansion of the range of investigated parameters made the Outlook-2013 even more interesting. New estimates for the economic development of countries and regions of the world, long-term challenges and opportunities of the energy sector, analysis of the key factors, affecting the future of the energy sector, energy policies of countries, prospects for companies and industries – all this can be found in the pages of the Outlook. The main focus of the Outlook-2013 was to estimate the potential of new technological breakthroughs and their impact on the conditions on the energy markets in general and the condition of the Russian energy sector in particular. (© ERIRAS)

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (21 juin 2013). Global and Russian energy outlook up to 2040. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 12 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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