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The Doha Dead End ? Transition Economies and the New Kyoto Rules

The Doha Dead End? Transition Economies and the New Kyoto Rules / Anna KorppooFridtjof Nansens Institute, April 2013, 8 p. (Climate Policy Perspectives 9)

Presentation (© FNI ) :

The Doha decision revised the rules of the Kyoto Protocol’s second commitment period (CP2). These changes weakened the position of the economies in transition (EITs), especially Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, by effectively establishing the 2008–2010 average emission level as their commitment throughout 2013–2020 without their consent, and simultaneously limiting the use of surplus carried over from the first commitment period (CP1). Russia had already withdrawn from CP2 earlier.

The treatment of the EITs can hardly be deemed equitable in terms of ability to pay for mitigation measures. Their economic conditions are less favourable than those of many non- Annex I countries, which escape binding commitments; and the very limited participation of other Annex I countries in CP2 makes it morally difficult to justify tightening EIT commitments. Further, the fact that the EU ‘bubble’ is based on aggregate target hints at an inequality across EITs… read more

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (21 août 2013). The Doha Dead End ? Transition Economies and the New Kyoto Rules. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse

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