Innovation in the energy sector
Innovation in the energy sector / Klaus Friesenbichler. WWWforEurope project, July 2013, 106 p. (Work Package 302 MS50 “Research paper on innovation in the energy sector” Working Paper n° 31)
Author’s presentation :
This contribution discusses the policy-induced diffusion dynamics of environmental innovations. We use wind and solar power as examples of a new technology base of the electricity sector. This directly links to the renewable energy targets of “Europe 2020”; we reveal unforeseen and unintended systemic mechanisms that the interventions caused.
We discuss aspects of a socio-ecological growth path. While the ‘ecological’ component is considered by the technology field, the social element is incorporated by the two guiding questions of this research. What are the social dynamics that are relevant to the adoption of renewable energy? What are the socio-economic effects – in particular on ownership structures and the cost incidence – of selected implementation models.
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Danièle Revel (28 août 2013). Innovation in the energy sector. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 11 septembre 2024 à l’adresse