World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2013
World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2013 / Mycle Schneider & Antony Froggatt. July 2013, 140 p. (A Mycle Schneider Consulting project)
Presentation (© World Nuclear Industry Status Report) :
Two years after the Fukushima disaster started unfolding on 11 March 2011, its impact on the global nuclear industry has become increasingly visible. Global electricity generation from nuclear plants dropped by a historic 7 percent in 2012, adding to the record drop of 4 percent in 2011. This World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2013 (WNISR) provides a global overview of the history, the current status and the trends of nuclear power programs worldwide.
Beyond the traditional overview of a large number of facts and figures on the performance of the nuclear industry in the past year, the 2013 edition includes an update on nuclear economics by Steve Thomas (London) and a Fukushima Status Report by the two Japanese academics Komei Hosokawa (Kyoto) and Yukio Yamaguchi (Tokyo).
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Danièle Revel (3 septembre 2013). World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2013. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse