What future for international climate politics?
What future for international climate politics? A call for a strategic reset / Hans Verolme, Farhana Yamin, Victor Menotti, Lili Fuhr.Berlin : Heinrich Böll Foundation, September 2013, 36 p. (Policy paper. Series on Ecology, Volume 32)
Authors’s Executive summary :
International responses to the climate challenge have failed to address growing inequities and have lacked in ambition and urgency. They have generally ignored wider ecological and financial crises. The collapse of negotiations at Copenhagen contributed to disillusionment in civil society and signaled a gradual retreat from engagement in international climate policy processes. With a new international deadline approaching in 2015, a fundamental rethink is needed. This must cover existing strategies and make concrete proposals for action, as well as weave a new narrative that incorporates lessons learned from the climate and other international regimes. A change is needed in the ways in which civil society approaches international climate change politics and policy, the UNFCCC in particular. We are witnessing the failure of traditional civil society strategies and, therefore, advocate a strategic reset. The reset covers three fronts: A new narrative to confront the challenge of a rapidly warming world put in the context of other real life challenges; new insights to break the hold of vested interests on politics; and a reexamination of the suite of policies and instruments capable of delivering a rapid transformation. This paper articulates concrete proposals and puts forward ideas that we believe can aid in devising smarter strategies that deliver more than incremental change and that may make engagement by civil society in international climate policy more effective.
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Danièle Revel (11 septembre 2013). What future for international climate politics? Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/oak1