Germany will dilute – not abandon – its Energiewende plan
Germany will dilute – not abandon – its Energiewende plan / Andrew McKillop, EU Energy policy blog, 22/09/2013
In Germany’s election campaign the attention going to the national energy transition plan is bafflingly low. Official Environment ministry reports however suggest that total costs of Energiewende could or might rise to 1000 billion euros by the late 2030′s if the program is maintained as present, and its targets are not cut back or shifted further into the future. Despite this, most German political parties have tacitly agreed to limit discussion of Energiewende and backpedal their criticism of this free-spending plan, for reasons that are much more than simply political…
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Danièle Revel (25 septembre 2013). Germany will dilute – not abandon – its Energiewende plan. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse