New lens scenarios
New lens scenarios : A shift in perspective for a world in transition. Shell, 2013, 48 p.
Shell has been developing scenarios to explore the future since the early 1970s. Scenarios are stories that consider “what if?” questions. Whereas forecasts focus on probabilities, scenarios consider a range of plausible futures and how these could emerge from the realities of today. They recognise that people hold beliefs and make choices that lead to outcomes. Our scenarios team considers changes such as in the global economic environment, geopolitics, resource stresses such as water, greenhouse gases, and energy supply and demand to help business leaders make better decisions… read more on Shell website
With the world’s population headed toward 9 billion at mid-century and millions of people climbing out of poverty, global energy demand could increase by as much as 80% by 2050. That’s according to Shell’s latest scenarios, which look at trends in the economy, politics and energy in considering developments over the next half a century… read more on Shell website
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Danièle Revel (8 octobre 2013). New lens scenarios. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse