Economics of climate change in East Asia
Economics of climate change in East Asia / Michael Westphal, Gordon Hughes & Jörn Brömmelhörster (Editors). Mandaluyong City, Philippines : Asian Development Bank, October 2013 – ISBN 978-92-9254-288-7 (print), 978-92-9254-289-4 (web)
Description (© ADB) :
This regional study includes the People’s Republic of China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Mongolia and examines how strategies for adapting to climate change up to 2050 can be combined with measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in East Asia. Besides discussing climate model results for costs of adaptation in infrastructure, coastal protection, and agriculture, the study estimates costs for sector-specific mitigation options and the total abatement potential for 2020 and 2030. Long-term strategies for addressing the impacts of climate change in East Asia are explored with a focus on the linkages between adaptation and mitigation taking account uncertainty about key climate variables. Finally, it discusses opportunities for enhancing the effectiveness of some critical climate change policies such as regional carbon markets.
Contents :
- Climate change impact on East Asia
- The economics of adaptation in the infrastructure sector
- The economics of adaptation in the coastal sector
- The Economics of adaptation in the agriculture sector
- The impacts of climate change on poverty in East Asia
- Greenhouse gas projections and the costs of sector-specific mitigation options
- Integrated assessment modeling in East Asia
- Climate policy in East Asia
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (22 octobre 2013). Economics of climate change in East Asia. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 19 janvier 2025 à l’adresse