Green energy and technology
Green energy and technology /ed. by Hatim Machrafi, Université Paris 6. Betham ebooks, 2013, 404 p.(ebook)
Présentation par l’éditeur :
Energy is indispensable in present society. All depend on a constant and reliable source of energy, whether it be for transport, industrial or home applications. The use of such energy sources can present some inconveniences, such as source depletion, pollution or health problems. The different kinds of energy use one may think of are electricity, mechanical conversion or heating. Fossil fuels are the main energy sources that are used for these kinds of energies. However, the transport sector and the industry, one of the primary energy consumers, contribute a lot to the pollution of the atmosphere. Many ways can be opted in order to reduce the impact of pollution on the environment. One may think of renewable energy sources or new, alternative energy conversion processes that pollute less or a combination of these two. These three ways of rational energy use, reducing altogether its impact on the environment, are the main thought of this book.
This book is divided in three parts. The first part treats how green energy can reduce the impact on the environment. The second part deals with renewable energy sources. The third part shows various applications of green energy on the transport sector. The chapters in these three parts discuss a wide variety of green energy technologies, their applications as well as feasibility studies. As such, it presents an overall look of the present state-of-the-art in this field and of new results, both of which present a critical and promising look on the present and future use of green energy and technology.
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Danièle Revel (25 octobre 2013). Green energy and technology. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 23 janvier 2025 à l’adresse