Fit for renewables? Design options for the Green Climate Fund to support renewable energy feed-in tariffs in developing countries
Fit for renewables? Design options for the Green Climate Fund to support renewable energy feed-in tariffs in developing countries /Axel Michaelowa and Stephan Hoch with contributions from Stefan Schurig and Sonja Butzengeiger. World Future Council, September 2013, 19 p.
The paper assesses how the GCF could mobilize diffusion of renewable energy Feed-in Tariffs. It concludes that renewable energy Feed-in Tariffs (REFIT) have been highly effective in many countries, and provide a proven example of a results-based climate finance instrument, if tuned carefully over time to be sustainable. A Renewable Energy FIT Facility or Fund at the GCF Private Sector Facility would be an ideal institutional home to implement REFITs at scale in developing countries. A prompt start of pilot activities should be implemented to build experience, including on how to measure, report and verify mitigation impacts of REFITs as supported Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) by developing countries. (© Michaelowa)
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Danièle Revel (22 novembre 2013). Fit for renewables? Design options for the Green Climate Fund to support renewable energy feed-in tariffs in developing countries. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 12 septembre 2024 à l’adresse