Promoting the international transfer of low-carbon technologies: evidence and policy challenges
Promoting the international transfer of low-carbon technologies: evidence and policy challenges / Matthieu Glachant, Damien Dussaux, Yann Ménière and Antoine Dechezleprêtre.MINES ParisTech ; London School of Economics, October 2013, 67 p. Report for the Commissariat général à la stratégie et à la prospective.
Executive summary :
The international diffusion of technologies with a potential to reduce carbon emissions is at the core of current climate change negotiations. North-to-South technology transfer is of particular importance since technologies have so far been mostly developed in industrialized countries, but are urgently required to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in fast-growing emerging economies. Against this background, the primary objective of this study is to give recommendations on how the transfer of low-carbon technologies could be promoted. Our contribution to the current debate is threefold. First, we provide an up-to-date picture of the climate-related technology transfer landscape, based on a combination of patent data, bilateral trade data and foreign investment data. Second, we develop and implement a methodology to identify which technologies should be given priority and which recipient countries should be targeted. Third, we discuss the potential of different policy approaches and the instruments available to promote technology transfer…
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Danièle Revel (25 novembre 2013). Promoting the international transfer of low-carbon technologies: evidence and policy challenges. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse