Four questions on shale gas development in Europe and the U.S.
Four questions on shale gas development in Europe and the U.S. / Tim Boersma. Brookings, 18/11/2013
Can the U.S. shale gas boom happen in Europe?
The short answer to that question, is no. A combination of factors have contributed to the U.S. shale gas and oil boom, namely favorable geological conditions, (access to) infrastructure, substantial public support (amongst others spurred by attractive mineral rights legislation), available service industry, broad political support, a large market, and a favorable fiscal climate. Corey Johnson (University of North Carolina) and I came to that conclusion roughly two years ago, as have other scholars, such as Paul Stevens of Chatham House…
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Danièle Revel (25 novembre 2013). Four questions on shale gas development in Europe and the U.S. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse