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Aligning energy markets and climate-policy objectives in the EU

Aligning energy markets and climate-policy objectives in the EU / Carlo Carraro, Thomas Longden, Giacomo Marangoni & Massimo Tavoni, Vox, 27 November 2013

In recent years, European coal consumption has increased, while natural gas consumption has declined – despite Europe’s commitment to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. This perverse scenario is partly attributable to EU policies. Subsidies to renewables and energy efficiency targets have the unfortunate side effect of lowering carbon prices, thus partially offsetting their environmental benefits. Raising the EU carbon price would be preferable to employing multiple policy instruments, since it would minimise distortions in energy markets, achieve cost efficiency, and raise fiscal revenues…

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Danièle Revel (27 novembre 2013). Aligning energy markets and climate-policy objectives in the EU. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 23 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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