Property rights, oil and income levels: Over a century of evidence
Property rights, oil and income levels: Over a century of evidence / Christa N. Brunnschweilery & Simone Valentez. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, December 2013, 40 p.
Authors’s abstract :
We investigate the e¤ects of di¤erent regimes of control rights over oil exploitation on aggregate domestic income. We construct a new panel dataset on petroleum ownership structures for up to 68 countries between 1867-2008, distinguishing among regimes of Domestic Control, Foreign Control, and international Partnerships. Results show that Partnerships tend to generate higher domestic income than Foreign and Domestic Control. This result is robust to controlling for political regimes (i.e. democracy, anocracy, autocracy), time e¤ects, and other factors. Existing theories of incomplete contracts capture several aspects, but not the general mechanism underlying the relationships between aggregate domestic income and control regimes in primary sectors.
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Danièle Revel (10 janvier 2014). Property rights, oil and income levels: Over a century of evidence. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse