The globalization of natural gas markets: New challenges and opportunities for Europe
The globalization of natural gas markets: New challenges and opportunities for Europe / Manfred Hafner et Simone Tagliapietra ; Jonathan Stern, préf. Claeys & Casteels, November 2013, 184 p. – ISBN: 9789491673160 – 85 €
Contents :
- Evolution of world’s natural gas markets
- The rise of LNG: global overview and impact on Europe
- After the US shale gas revolution: what’s next?
- The EU gas security of supply architecture
- The EU gas market outlook: demand, production, imports and the pricing issue
- New gas supply potential for Europe
–> About the book :
Rethinking Global Natural Gas Markets: New Challenges and Opportunities Ahead / Manfred Hafner and Simone Tagliapietra, Review of Environment, Energy and Economics, FEEM, 19/12/2013
The global gas industry has experienced over the last decade an extraordinary success. The shale gas revolution in the United States has reshaped the world energy outlook and the rapid expansion of LNG trade has redesigned the global natural gas dynamics. These two pressures are rapidly converging, paving the way for the globalization of the world’s natural gas markets. These historical changes also have a strong impact on the European gas industry, unveiling a number of new challenges and opportunities related to both its demand and supply sides.
On the demand side, the ambitious EU decarbonisation targets have led to an unprecedented uncertainty of EU future gas demand. In fact, the implementation of a climate-based energy policy in Europe challenges the role of natural gas in the long-term EU energy mix, although in the short- to mid-term natural gas could play an important and cost effective role in the transition towards a low carbon economy.
On the supply side, new natural gas supplies are emerging around the world, mainly because of the increase in global LNG supply and the shale gas revolution. This unprecedented shift in the supply/demand balance is creating new dynamics also in the European gas industry, related to both the EU security of gas supply architecture and the EU gas pricing mechanism. This book provides a comprehensive analysis of all the challenges and opportunities affecting the European gas industry, in order to provide a clear overview of a market characterized by growing uncertainty and volatility… read more
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Danièle Revel (15 janvier 2014). The globalization of natural gas markets: New challenges and opportunities for Europe. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse